Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Dianabol Methandrostenolone From Thailand

There are many different brands of Dianabol (methandrostenolone) available in the many licensed pharmacies in Thailand , here is a list of the various brands on offer.

British Dispensary Anabol 5mg aka Thai Pinks

British Dispensary Anabol 10mg aka Thai Yellows

March Body Research Danabol DS 10mg aka Blue Hearts

Bukalo Diabol 10mg

SB Labs Dianabol 10mg

SB Labs Dianabol 20mg

LA Pharma Danabol 10mg

LA Pharma Methandienone 5mg

Berich Dronabol DS 10mg

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Steroids Less Harmful Than Alcohol And Cigarettes In UK

Alcohol is the most dangerous drug in the UK by a considerable margin, beating heroin and crack cocaine into second and third place, according to an authoritative study published today which will reopen calls for the drugs classification system to be scrapped and a concerted campaign launched against drink.
Led by the sacked government drugs adviser David Nutt with colleagues from the breakaway Independent Scientific Committee on Drugs, the study says that if drugs were classified on the basis of the harm they do, alcohol would be class A, alongside heroin and crack cocaine.
Today’s paper, published by the respected Lancet medical journal, will be seen as a challenge to the government to take on the fraught issue of the relative harms of legal and illegal drugs, which proved politically damaging to Labour.
Nutt was sacked last year by the home secretary at the time, Alan Johnson, for challenging ministers’ refusal to take the advice of the official Advisory Council on the Misuse of Drugs, which he chaired. The committee wanted cannabis to remain a class C drug and for ecstasy to be downgraded from class A, arguing that these were less harmful than other drugs. Nutt claimed scientific evidence was overruled for political reasons.
The new paper updates a study carried out by Nutt and others in 2007, which was also published by the Lancet and triggered debate for suggesting that legally available alcohol and tobacco were more dangerous than cannabis and LSD.
Alcohol, in that paper, ranked fifth most dangerous overall. The 2007 paper also called for an overhaul of the drug classification system, but critics disputed the criteria used to rank the drugs and the absence of differential weighting.
Today’s study offers a more complex analysis that seeks to address the 2007 criticisms. It examines nine categories of harm that drugs can do to the individual “from death to damage to mental functioning and loss of relationships” and seven types of harm to others. The maximum possible harm score was 100 and the minimum zero.
Overall, alcohol scored 72 – against 55 for heroin and 54 for crack. The most dangerous drugs to their individual users were ranked as heroin, crack and then crystal meth. The most harmful to others were alcohol, heroin and crack in that order.
Nutt told the Guardian the drug classification system needed radical change. “The Misuse of Drugs Act is past its sell-by date and needs to be redone,” he said. “We need to rethink how we deal with drugs in the light of these new findings.”
For overall harm, the other drugs examined ranked as follows: crystal meth (33), cocaine (27), tobacco (26), amphetamine/speed (23), cannabis (20), GHB (18), benzodiazepines (15), ketamine (15), methadone (13), butane (10), qat (9), ecstasy (9), anabolic steroids (9), LSD (7), buprenorphine (6) and magic mushrooms (5).
The authors write: “Our findings lend support to previous work in the UK and the Netherlands, confirming that the present drug classification systems have little relation to the evidence of harm. They also accord with the conclusions of previous expert reports that aggressively targeting alcohol harm is a valid and necessary public health strategy.”
Nutt told the Lancet a new classification system “would depend on what set of harms ‘to self or others’ you are trying to reduce”. He added: “But if you take overall harm, then alcohol, heroin and crack are clearly more harmful than all others, so perhaps drugs with a score of 40 or more could be class A; 39 to 20 class B; 19-10 class C and 10 or under class D.” This would result in tobacco being labelled a class B drug alongside cocaine. Cannabis would also just make class B, rather than class C. Ecstasy and LSD would end up in the lowest drug category, D.
He was not suggesting classification was unnecessary: “We do need a classification system – we do need to regulate the ones that are very harmful to individuals like heroin and crack cocaine.” But he thought the UK could learn from the Portuguese and Dutch: “They have innovative policies which could reduce criminalisation.” Representatives of both countries will be at a summit in London today, called drug science and drug policy: building a consensus, where the study will be presented.
UK reformers will be hoping the coalition government will take a more evidence-based approach to classification and tackling drugs than Labour did. The Liberal Democrats supported Nutt over his sacking, while Conservative leader David Cameron, who got into trouble at Eton, aged 15, for smoking cannabis, acknowledged the Misuse of Drugs Act was not working during his time as an MP on the Home Affairs select committee.
Nutt called for far more effort to be put into reducing harm caused by alcohol, pointing out that its economic costs, as well as the costs to society of addiction and broken families, are very high. Taxation on alcohol is “completely inappropriate”, he said – with strong cider, for instance, taxed at a fifth of the rate of wine – and action should particularly target the low cost and promotion of alcohol such as Bacardi breezers to young people.
Don Shenker, the chief executive of Alcohol Concern, said : “What this study and new classification shows is that successive governments have mistakenly focused attention on illicit drugs, whereas the pervading harms from alcohol should have given a far higher priority. Drug misusers are still ten times more likely to receive support for their addiction than alcohol misusers, costing the taxpayer billions in repeat hospital admissions and alcohol related crime. Alcohol misuse has been exacerbated in recent years as government failed to accept the link between cheap prices, higher consumption and resultant harms to individuals and society.”
“[The] government should now urgently ensure alcohol is made less affordable and invest in prevention and treatment services to deal with the rise in alcohol dependency that has occurred.”
The Home Office said last night: “We have not read the report. This government has just completed an alcohol consultation and will publish a drugs strategy in the coming months.”
A Department of Health spokesperson said: “In England, most people drink once a week or less. If you’re a women and stick to two to three units a day or a man and drink up to three or four units, you are unlikely to damage your health. The government is determined to prevent alcohol abuse without disadvantaging those who drink sensibly.”Two experts from the Amsterdam National Institute for Public Health and the Environment and the Amsterdam Institute for Addiction Research point out in a Lancet commentary the study does not look at multiple drug use, which can make some drugs much more dangerous – such as cocaine or cannabis together with alcohol – but they acknowledge the topic was outside its scope.
They add that because the pattern of recreational drug use changes, the study should be repeated every five or 10 years.

Steroids For Sale UK

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Asia Pharma

Asia Pharma is a WHO certified pharmaceutical company established in 2007.

The company manufactures and sells generic pharmaceutical products. Asia Pharma has most of its manufacturing facilities located in two Asian countries. The company produces a wide range of Human Grade Pharmaceuticals in dosage forms including Capsules, Tablets, Ointments, and Liquid Orals.

The manufacturing is done under strict WHO cGMP guidelines to ensure high manufacturing standards in producing high quality products.

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Internet Steroids Scammers

Everyone who ever tried buying anabolic steroids through different websites, knows it's highly risky. There are many people who take money and falsely promise the supply of steroids - they are known as "scammers". There is also a second category of scammers, where they send fake (bad) products which look same as originals to an untrained eye. Scammers normally work in anabolic discussion groups on the Internet where they use an e-mail address for orders OR they can set up a small websites offering steroids. Below is an example of some of the possible scams you must be aware:
1. The first category are people who call themselves the source checkers. It basically means they do everything to look genuine and offer a list of "good" suppliers. The emails or websites they give you, are ofcourse their own and used only to get your money. At the very moment, highly popular steroid forums in the USA are actually run by a group of professional scammers, working together through 2-3 websites (some UK forums are also infiltrated). All we can say is to stay away from so called encyclopedias, websites selling e-books with proven steroid sources, paid services with access to member areas with sources, etc... Never trust anyone who calls themselves a "source checker", even if they are nice and try to build trust. It is the biggest con in the steroid Internet world.
2. The second popular technique scammers use, is to publish some kind of scammer lists. Such lists are often manipulated by non-proven sources to look legit. Many websites have appeared selling steroids and also hosting scammer lists. The scammer list has now become the tool of the crooked source and the scammers themselves to discredit their competition. On each and every scammer list found online, you will find real scammers and also genuine good and reliable sources. The names of good operators are submitted to these lists by bitter rivals. Anyone can submit a name to these lists and there are no rules or requirements of proof, which makes such lists even more unserious documents. NEVER use scammer lists as a reference point to check out your supplier. They will be full of the best sources in the business submitted by small time scammers.
3. More modern scammers use different websites (online shops) selling steroids. You can identify which website is usually a scam by following: - It may look unprofessional and without shopping cart system- When you try to make a contact, you receive no answer- They do not have any fraud prevention system (accept any customer...) - They ship to any location worldwide, even if payed by credit card- Website does not contain any "terms of use" regarding legal issues- They never accept credit card payments, only WU, bank, e-gold...- Prices are unusually low, same as black market, even if ordering only 1 small 1ml vial with worldwide delivery.For example, our website uses online order status tracking, live chat support and we can accept secure credit card payments. We have a highly developed fraud detection system with customers black list. We ship only to low-risk countries in which we have years of experience. We have a policy where the price for individual products is decreased when order amount is increased. (actually, with bulk orders, you will pay the price similar to that on the black market).
4. Surfing the net, you will come across certain e-zines or websites claiming to be experts in the world of steroids. They claim to be associated with all kinds of wonderful people in the hard core bodybuilding world. They usually have a nice website containing detailed profiles of each steroid and sell a so called steroid bible or a members area access containing steroid reviews, photos, sources, etc... Don't trust every steroid website or "steroid guru" you find online, claiming to be connected and all knowing. Even if they give you advices, they are most probably amateur bodybuilders and hangers on who want to sell a subscription to you.
5. The last group of people we would like to point out are those who use an extortion in order to put a good legit source on the scammer lists. Fortunately this is rare but this creature does occasionally rear his ugly head. They are often known as reverse scammers. The scammer "buyer" threatens to put the source on a scammer list unless the source sends the products he ordered. Ofcourse, the guy has never ordered or paid for the products, so it's an extortion. Another variation is when someone uses a credit card for payment and when they receive the products, they go to the bank and request a chargeback, and at the same time send emails to the supplier they didn't receive anything and posting them to the scammers lists. We take several measures to prevent this. First, we have a large database of people who tried this with us - after one chargeback request, we will ban that customer and not allow him to order from us anymore. Furthermore, we will send complete order info to the bank, revealing what was ordered and where, from which IP and on which name, meaning this individual may get into legal problems. We know it may be drastic, but we need some kind of protection against scammer buyers and through years, it has clearly shown to be an effective one.

Friday, February 20, 2009

The internet technology has squeezed the entire world into online world. It has made it possible to buy anything from any part of the world by just sitting at your home. You just need to use the power of internet, and you can buy anything of your choice anywhere from the world. Steroids are one of the hottest selling items online nowadays. Internet let you buy arrays of anabolic steroids online. You can buy steroids uk online. "BUY STEROIDS UK" is generally the keyword that is often used for buying UK steroids online. The UK steroids are the anabolic steroids manufactured and marketed in the UK pharmas. Some of the top selling steroids in UK include Deca Durabolin, Winstrol Depot, Sustanon 250, Dermatest 20, Nile Sustanon, and Testolic. The United Kingdom allows body builders to possess anabolic steroids for their own personal use unlike such countries as America and Australia where anabolic steroids are illegal. If you are looking to buy steroids uk, you can easily buy steroids uk online. There are numerous sites selling UK STEROIDS online. It's very easy to buy steroids uk online. You can buy steroids uk right from your home using the power of internet. The search engines, such as Google, Yahoo, and MSN can really help you find and buy steroids uk online. You just need to go for "buy steroids uk" on any of these search engines, and they will show up the sites where you can buy steroids uk online. You can find numerous sites selling steroids uk online, but you should go for the genuine licensed sites selling genuine anabolic steroids. You can find the sites where you can buy steroids uk at the best prices. -->Author owns a website where you can get tons of info on steroids, anabolic steroids, and helps to buy steroids uk online. You can check out his website for complete info on the best ways to buy steroids, buy steroids uk, and buy anabolic steroids no minimum order.

Monday, January 19, 2009


Acnotin capsules contain the active ingredient isotretinoin. Isotretinoin belongs to a group of medicines known as retinoids, which are derivatives of vitamin A. Isotretinoin taken by mouth works by reducing the production of the skin’s natural oil (sebum). Acne occurs due to an excessive production of sebum from over-active sebaceous glands in the skin. The sebum blocks the sebaceous glands, which prevents the oil from flowing freely out and causes an accumulation of sebum under the skin. The bacteria associated with acne thrive in these conditions. They feed on the sebum, and produce waste products and fatty acids that irritate the sebaceous glands, making them inflamed and causing spots. Isotretinoin decreases the size and activity of the sebaceous glands in the skin, which reduces the amount of sebum that is produced. This stops the glands becoming blocked, and means bacteria are less likely to thrive. It also reduces the inflammation in the skin.Isotretinoin can have serious side effects and its use must be supervised by a dermatologist. It is reserved for the treatment of severe acne (such as nodular or conglobate acne or acne at risk of permanent scarring) that has not improved with standard treatment involving oral antibiotics and topical medicines. Your acne may worsen at the start of treatment, but this usually subsides within 7 to 10 days of continued treatment. In most cases, complete or near-complete clearing of acne is achieved with a 12 to 16 week course of treatment, and you are likely to remain free of acne for a long time. Repeat courses are not normally recommended, unless a definite relapse is seen after treatment is stopped. Repeat courses should not be started until at least eight weeks after stopping treatment, as your acne may still improve in this time.

Thursday, November 27, 2008


Testosterone supplementation is indicated for treatment of testosterone deficiency, including hypogonadism, andropause and related conditions such as delayed puberty in boys.Andriol (testosterone undecanoate capsules) is prescribed to you by a doctor. It is an orally active testosterone preparation and is used to replace the natural hormone, testosterone, when your body is unable to produce enough on its own.