Sunday, November 16, 2008

UK Steroid Law

Anabolic Steroids (“roids”)
Trade names include Anavar, Sustanon 250, Dianabol, Stanozolol, Deca-Durabolin.
The law:
anabolic steroids are prescription only medicines. It is not illegal to possess them for your own use, or to import them for your own use, but it is illegal to supply them without a licence, or to import them for supply to somebody else: Class C penalties apply. The use of anabolic steroids in sports is prohibited. A positive test can end a sporting career
the steroids used to treat eczema and asthma are generally of a different type, although some countries treat asthma using Clenbuterol, which is also used for its anabolic effects.
How they are taken
anabolic steroids can be swallowed, but most are injected.
anabolic steroids mimic the effects of the male sex hormone testosterone, and are used medically to treat anaemia and muscle weakness after surgery. They are sometimes abused by body-builders and athletes, as anabolic steroids can help them to build up muscle and recover from strenuous exercise. However, users risk experiencing considerable side-effects (listed below) which can also make anabolic steroid abuse physically obvious.
The risks:
males may develop breasts and erection problems, as well as shrinking testicles and a reduced sperm count. Sterility, acne, and an increased chance of heart attacks, liver failure, and cancer are other possible risks
females face the risk of developing increased facial hair and a deepening voice, shrinking breasts, and acne. Some of these effects can be irreversible. Other risks include disrupted menstrual cycles, and possible miscarriage and stillbirth
use of anabolic steroids by young people may stunt their growth
users may display mood-swings and aggression
injection comes with risks including muscle damage and HIV and hepatitis infection from sharing needles.